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Not My Responsibility = 不是我的責任 hfh2021-06-04 17:02:27完成檔案
Two Distant Strangers = 遙遠的陌生人 hfh2021-06-04 17:06:48完成檔案
The Tomorrow War = 明日之戰 2021-06-05 20:28:58完成檔案
Untitled Lindsay Lohan/Netflix Project 2021-06-05 20:38:49完成檔案
The Phantom of the Opera(1925) = 歌劇魅影 hfh2021-06-05 23:12:24新增
Phantom of the Opera = 歌劇魅影 hfh2021-06-05 23:57:33新增
The Phantom of Hollywood = 好萊塢魅影 hfh2021-06-06 00:07:22新增
Phantom of the Paradise = 樂園魅影 hfh2021-06-06 00:13:43新增
The Phantom of the Opera(1989) = 歌劇魅影 hfh2021-06-06 00:23:14新增
Phantom of the Mall: Eric`s Revenge = 商場魅影 hfh2021-06-06 00:25:11新增
Phantom of the Opera(1983) = 歌劇魅影 hfh2021-06-06 00:52:44新增
Salt of the Earth = 地之鹽 hfh2021-06-06 01:40:40新增
In the Soup = 進退兩難 hfh2021-06-06 01:45:59完成檔案
Escape from Spiderhead = 逃離蜘蛛頭 2021-06-06 17:27:17完成檔案
Skater Girl = 滑板女孩 hfh2021-06-07 19:45:43完成檔案
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